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Outsourcing solutions

Company: ABOUT US

Since 2015, GoCode Solutions has been committed to connecting businesses with exceptional talent ​that aligns with their vision, values, and needs. Our mission is to foster lasting partnerships that drive ​growth and success.

In 2021, as our clients' needs expanded, we ​entered the world of outsourcing, seeking global ​talent that could elevate our services. We found ​exactly that in Nepal—a workforce that ​impressed us with their dedication and skill. ​However, we quickly recognized the significant ​challenges they face, including political ​instability, low wages, and job insecurity.

At GoCode, we’re dedicated to changing that. ​We provide our Nepali team with highly ​competitive pay, excellent working conditions, ​and opportunities for growth that are often rare ​in the region. By partnering with GoCode, you're ​not only receiving top-tier support but also ​helping to create life-changing opportunities for ​our team, empowering them to achieve stability ​and success for themselves and their families.

Together, we can make a meaningful impact by promoting better working standards and creating ​opportunities for people in Nepal, one person at a time.